Friday, February 11, 2011

What Does Community Look Like?

One definition of Community is this:

A body of people having common rights, privileges, or interests, or living in the same place under the same laws and regulations; as, a community of monks. Hence a number of animals living in a common home or with some apparent association of interests."

Is it just a location, or a group of people with similar interests? I would like to start the conversation with the idea that community is much, much, more. I believe we were meant to live in community in every aspect of our life...including ups and downs.

My husband and I always talk about how silly it is that people go out to a restaurant and sit in the restaurant with all of these people in other tables and booths, but most of the time never even talk to the other people. I believe that it shows that we need other human interaction and are meant to live in community, but the risk that comes with building relationships is that you might get hurt or have to sacrifice something which is not our first response. Another example along these lines is the whole idea of going and "hanging" out at a coffee shop to study or read. You can do the exact same thing at home, but for some reason, most people "feel" better if they go somewhere with other people.

What holds people back from diving into more friendships and going deeper? What might community look like if we actually helped out our friends and families in a deeper way that might cut into our pocket book or time? Why is it so hard to keep this up consistently?

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